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Software Update


It is recommended to regularly update the LabOne software on the MFLI Instrument to the latest version. In case the Instrument has access to the internet, this is a very simple task and can be done with a single click in the software itself, as shown in Updating LabOne using Automatic Update Check. If there’s no internet access or if the Automatic Update Check feature is disabled, the software can alternatively be updated by a drag-and-drop procedure, or by using a USB mass storage device (e.g. a memory stick). These methods are explained in LabOne Update by Drag-and-Drop and LabOne Update from a USB Stick. If you use one of the LabOne APIs with a separate installer, don’t forget to update this part of the software, too.

Updating LabOne using Automatic Update Check

Updating the software is done in two steps. First, LabOne is updated on the PC by downloading and installing the LabOne software from the Zurich Instruments downloads page. Second, the instrument firmware needs to be updated from the Device Connection dialog after starting up LabOne. This is shown in Updating the Instrument Firmware . In case "Periodically check for updates" has been enabled during the LabOne installation and LabOne has access to the internet, a notification will appear on the Device Connection dialog whenever a new version of the software is available for download. This setting can later be changed in the Config tab of the LabOne user interface. In case automatic update check is disabled, the user can manually check for updates at any time by clicking on the button in the Device Connection dialog. In case an update is found, clicking on the button "Update Available" shown in Figure 1 will start a download and installation of the latest LabOne software on the MFLI instrument. In case the LabOne software runs on a separate PC (see Running LabOne on a Separate PC), clicking on "Update Available" allows you to download the latest LabOne installer for Windows or Linux, see Figure 2. After download, proceed as explained in software installation to update LabOne. Following this update, the instrument firmware also needs to be updated as described in Updating the Instrument Firmware .

Figure 1: Device Connection dialog: LabOne update available

Figure 2: Download LabOne MSI using Automatic Update Check feature

LabOne Update by Drag-and-Drop


Updating the LabOne software on the Instrument requires that the browser is connected to the Web Server running on the MFLI Instrument.

  • Download the latest LabOne software version from the Zurich Instruments Download Center. Choose the version for the MFLI Instrument. The file has the form LabOneXX-00.00.00000.tar.
  • Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the location of the downloaded LabOne installation file (on Windows this is typically the Downloads folder). On Linux, the Files application or some other file manager utility supporting drag and drop can be used. We will use the term explorer window henceforth in this description.
  • Start the LabOne User Interface in a web browser (connect to the Web Server running on the Instrument by typing the serial number in the address bar).
  • Open the LabOne Config tab.
  • Position/Re-size the explorer window and the web browser such that the dotted rectangle under the File Upload section of the Config tab is visible.

    Figure 3: Config Tab showing drop zone for software update

  • Drag and drop the downloaded LabOne installation file from the explorer window onto the dotted rectangle. An Upload pop-up window will appear indicating the progress of the upload.

    Figure 4: Upload pop-up window

  • Once uploaded, The LabOne Software Update pop-up window will appear.

    Figure 5: LabOne Software Update pop-up window

  • Click OK in the LabOne Software Update pop-up window. This completes the software update.

The servers running on the instrument will now be restarted necessitating a reload of the LabOne User Interface. An Error pop-up window will appear containing the text "The connection with the LabOne Web Server is lost". * Reload the LabOne User Interface by clicking on the Reload button.

LabOne Update from a USB Stick


Updating the LabOne software on the Instrument requires that the browser is connected to the Web Server running on the MFLI Instrument.

  • Download the latest LabOne software version from the Zurich Instruments Download Center and copy it onto a USB mass storage device. Choose the version for the MFLI Instrument. The file has the form LabOneMF-00.00.00000.tar.
  • Start the LabOne User Interface in a web browser (connect to the Web Server running on the Instrument by typing the serial number in the address bar).
  • Insert the USB mass storage device into one of the USB sockets on the back of the MFLI Instrument.
  • Open the LabOne File Manager tab.
  • A folder labelled USB1 will be displayed in the File Manager tab, corresponding to the inserted USB device. Expand the USB1 branch to display its contents (double click on the folder icon).
  • Right click the LabOne update .tar file and select SW Update to update the software.

Figure 6: File Manager tab

  • Click OK in the LabOne Software Update pop-up window. This completes the software update. The servers running on the instrument will now be restarted necessitating a reload of the LabOne User Interface. An Error pop-up window will appear containing the text "The connection with the LabOne Web Server is lost".
  • Reload the LabOne User Interface by clicking on the Reload button.

Updating the Instrument Firmware

Even when running the LabOne software on a separate PC, a part of the software runs on the instrument. In order to distinguish between the two, the latter will be called firmware for the rest of this document. When upgrading to a new software release, it’s also necessary to update the instrument firmware.

If the firmware needs an update, this is indicated in the Device Connection dialog of the LabOne user interface under Windows.

In the Basic view of the dialog, there will be a button "Upgrade FW" appearing together with the instrument icon as shown in Figure 7. In the Advanced view, there will be a link "Upgrade FW" in the Update column of the Available Devices table. Click on Upgrade FW to open the firmware update start-up dialog shown in Figure 8. The firmware upgrade takes approximately 2 minutes.

Figure 7: Device Connection dialog with available firmware update

Figure 8: Device Firmware Update start-up dialog


Do not disconnect the USB or 1GbE cable to the Instrument or power-cycle the Instrument during a firmware update.

If you encounter any issues while upgrading the instrument firmware, please contact Zurich Instruments at